„Am I Dreaming You are You Dreaming Me?“ Fictionalizations of Jesus in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks and Drew Hayden Taylor’s Motorcycles and Sweetgrass

Referent/in:  Svetlana Seibel
im Rahmen der 9th Biannual MESEA Conference "Crossing Boundaries in a Post-Ethnic Era: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Negotiations", Saarbrücken, 29.05. - 01.06.2014

Ein Vortrag von Svetlana Seibel im Rahmen der 9th Biannual MESEA Conference „Crossing Boundaries in a Post-Ethnic Era: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Negotiations“ an der Universität des Saarlandes.

Internationales Graduiertenkolleg 1864 (IGK 1864) „Diversity. Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces“
