„Das Wechselverhältnis von Partizipation und Ungleichheit müsse ein Schwerpunkt künftiger wissenschaftlicher Beschäftigung sein“
Zwischen Räumen und Fronten. Algerische Migranten im lothringischen Grenzgebiet 1945 – 1962 Schreibe einen Kommentar
Decolonizing the Contacts: Interaction Practices Between Public Education Institutions and First Nation Members and Communities in Southern Manitoba
From Tahrir to Terror: (Neo-)Orientalism in European and North American Fiction since the ‘Arab Spring’ (2011-2016)
‘The Child’ as Cultural and Generational ‘Other’: Narratives of Childhood Practices and Children’s (Self-)Positioning During Times of Crisis in Canadian Literature
Cosmopolitan Solidarity in Transnational Activist Networks – An Ethnography of the Production of Global Relations