Workshop with Rowan Dorin „Social Issues in Late 14th-Century Thought – Canon Law, Roman Law, and Theology“

Workshop „Social Issues in Late 14th-Century Thought – Canon Law, Roman Law, and Theology“

The one-day workshop is designed as a reading experience, taking participants through the genres of consilia and learned treatises written from the vantage points of canon law (Giovanni da Legnano), Roman law (Bartolomeo de Bosco), and theology (Henry of Langenstein).

It takes place on the 7th July 2017, 10 am–4 pm, Universität Trier, room DM 131.


10:00 Welcome

10:15 Henry of Langenstein on Needs and Contracts – Christoph Cluse (Universität Trier)
Dr. Christoph Cluse is senior researcher at the Arye Maimon Institute for Jewish History of Trier University. His main fields of interest are in the history of Christian-Jewish relations during the high and later medieval periods. He is currently co-directing, together with Lukas Clemens, a project on the vulnerability and resilience of post-1350 Jewry in central Europe, with in the DFG Research Group 2539, ‘Resilience‘.

11:30 Lunch break

12:30 Giovanni da Legnano on the Church and the Jews – Rowan Dorin (Stanford University)
Rowan Dorin is a historian of western Europe and the Mediterranean who gained his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 2015 with a study on the ‘Expulsion of Foreign Moneylenders in Medieval Europe, 1200–1450’, in which he analysed the influence of new developments in canon law on the politics of European rulers. He has since taken on a post as Assistant Professor of History at Stanford University. Several articles of his have appeared in high-profile journals.

13:45 Coffee break

14:15 Bartolomeo de Bosco on Buying and Selling Slaves – Thomas Rüfner (Universität Trier)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Rüfner is professor of civil law, Roman law, modern legal history, and German and International procedural law at Trier University. His main research interests lie in the fields of Roman inheritance law and legal procedure, and in the reception of Roman law in medieval Europe and the modern world. In the context of the DFG Research Group 2539, he is currently directing a research project on the use of Roman law as a resource in situations of societal disruption during the late medieval period.

Guests are welcome. For technical reasons (no. of copies, no. of coffee cups) we ask them to notify us at There will be a get-together after the workshop at 7 pm in the Jahreszeiten restaurant, Behringstraße 4 (Petrisberg).
Gäste sind herzlich willkommen. Aus organisatorischen Gründen (Anzahl der Textvorlagen und Kaffeetassen) bitten wir um Anmeldung unter Im Anschluss an den Workshop findet um 19 Uhr ein gemeinsames Abendessen im Restaurant Jahreszeiten, Behringstraße 4 (Petrisberg), statt.